So why do we have cravings for fatty foods, and why do we have an increased appetite before and during our periods? This is actually a natural order of mammal reproduction. What I mean by that is all female mammal body's biological clock will tend to go into a breeding state, and their estrogen levels will peak at the time they are fertile, and the body's natural reaction is to consume more calories to help fertilization of the egg that has been ovulated.
Women with a higher body fat percentage will have an easier time getting pregnant than a women who are thinner, keeping in mind this is at a healthy level of your BMI. So when your having a hankering for a fatty food, blame evolution's need for procreation, and guy's wonder why we are moody.... But for the sake of this article let's assume you are not trying to get pregnant, you are overall pretty healthy, and desire a natural and healthy alternative to ease your menstrual cramps.
Foods That Ease Menstrual Cramps